The Big Picture | The Great Reversal of ETH Option Vega Flows w/ GSR

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August 1, 2023


In this insightful episode, we dive deep into the crypto derivatives with Simran and Matt from GSR to discuss the current low-volatility state of the crypto market and its impact on trading volumes and options markets for Bitcoin and Ethereum. We also explore various narratives and events influencing market sentiment, including the potential approval of a Bitcoin ETF and the Ripple lawsuit.

And finally, we talk about potential catalysts for higher volumes in the crypto market, such as institutional involvement and regulatory developments, and emphasize the importance of monitoring options pricing and spot market trading for informed decision-making.

This is a massively insightful episode; if you are trading derivatives in the crypto space, you won't want to miss this episode!


- Intro
- Paradigm Flows and Realized Vol
- Proprietary Quant Data
- The Great ETH Flow Reversal
- The Macro (Equity Earnings or Central Banks)

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