Release Notes (v 0.101)

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August 17, 2023


Hello Paradigmers!

We've tinkered, tailored, and turned up the tech to take your trading experience to a new level in Release 0.101.0.

🦵 API Enhancement: No more Leg Level Crossed Bid-Ask Validation slowing you down while  quoting on the Order Books (GRFQ) via API. It's been removed away to make room for a more fluid, automated journey. Say hello to faster and more efficient trading! — Get the full scoop here

⤵️ Paradigm is now a progressive web app (PWA) – install it on any desktop or Android using your Chrome browser or add to home screen on your iPhone.

Enhancement and automation are the names of our game, and we're always ready to share more as we evolve.

Yours in tech-savvy spirit,
The Paradigm Team 💜

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